Home construction is making a move towards a more sustainable future concerning the recent developments and insight regarding the impact it has on the environment. Protecting the environment and everything that encompasses will be at the forethought of every building venture moving forward to remain respectful of the issues that arise as a result of project work.
This means there has been and will continue to be a shift in what building materials are and are not suitable. This post will take a look at the top six sustainable materials currently available and where the responsibility ultimately lies.
Straw may spark immediate connotations of olden-day construction; however, it is making a solid comeback owing to its sustainable nature and ample availability. Straw bales can be used in place of things like lumber to build a wall structure. Straw offers good insulation output and is fire resistant.
Earth, or rammed earth as it is sometimes known, is one of the best options out there and the most sustainable overall. It can be used for floors, walls, and roofing with idyllic insulation prospects and exceptional durability.
Though traditional timber is not high up on the list when it comes to environmental damages, it can still have a negative impact. That is why viable alternatives are still preferable. Bamboo fits into this category. It has impressive regeneration qualities, and a plentiful supply, and it can be used for a range of home building subjects such as flooring and internal features like counters.
Recycled Steel
Recycled steel is as it says on the label: steel produced through recycling methods. Steel production is a major burden on resources and the environment. Therefore practices need to change and this can be achieved by opting for recycled options instead. This saves on pollution, energy, and waste in construction and leads to a more renewable and protective future.
Concrete is one of the leading causes of global pollution. It is incredibly harmful and is in no way a ‘sustainable’ product. Therefore, there is a growing and constant need for solid alternate choices. Ashcrete is a replacement concrete growing in use and popularity. It uses fly ash and water to create a material that can be used in place of concrete on a high scale in any construction project.
Green Concrete
Like ashcrete, green concrete uses waste from other materials to form a concrete-like compound. The significant and lessened impact of using materials in place of traditional concrete cannot be ignored. These viable solutions will replace concrete in all future construction to preserve the environment and lessen the harmful effects that are currently in circulation.
The Architect Responsibility Factor
While the responsibility lies heavily on construction companies, it is also the role of the architect to consider protective factors in their building project. While some companies keep sustainable practices at the centre of their focus and project output, others are still catching up. However, if project plans fail to adhere to developing environmental expectations, the only outcome is their deterioration and detrimental engagement.
Top tips include thinking about natural nuances incorporated into building plans in order to highlight and utilize these for the overall building sustainability score, materials, and the biodiversity impact on a potential site, explain MJMDA Design Architects. They are a Malta based firm, and they are a solid example of what protective practices can look like.
This firm embraces sustainability and exhibits practices that are a lead example of what should be happening in the world of building and construction ventures. Their focus is on architecture as a whole as opposed to a single component in a building project. This is something that every architect can strive towards as it develops their moral compass as well as their impact on the world.
Everything in a building project from start to finish should be mindful of its overall carbon footprint impact. The world needs more focus on cautious and green actions around manufacturing and assembly. The alternative is a perished font of resources that continue to harm their surroundings. This negative impact should be reined in and redirected into more mindful initiatives on a global scale so that there is a future world to build in.
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