Does your toilet get clogged suddenly? Don’t panic, and keep reading!

Clogged toilets can happen anywhere and at any time, including at home, the office, or your friend’s place. Fortunately, there are several ways to unclog a toilet quickly to save you from such embarrassing situations. Today, in this blog, I’ve made a list of 5 effective ways to unclog your toilet. These solutions are quick, and you’ll surely have all the products in your home. So, whether you have a plunger or not, here you can easily learn how to unclog a toilet with a plunger and how to unclog a toilet without a plunger.

1. How to Unclog a Toilet with a plunger

How to Unclog a Toilet with a plunger

Let’s start with a plunger, which is commonly used to unclog a toilet and sink. A plunger is a tool that creates a vacuum to forcefully clean and unclog the drain. Plungers come in different sizes and shapes, like plungers with ball-shaped heads, rubber flanges on the bottom, and suction cup-shaped plungers. Don’t know how to plunge a toilet? 

Here is how to unclog a toilet with a plunger:

  • Step 1: Make sure that there is enough water in the toilet bowl to cover the suction part of the bottom. 
  • Step 2: Slowly place the toilet plunger (diagonally) over the hole in the toilet bowl to cover it properly. 
  • Step 3: Now start plunging slowly up and down about an inch. Use both your hands to plunge until the water begins to flush. 
  • Step 4: Be patient. If nothing happens, reposition your plunger and repeat the process.
  • Step 5: Turn the water supply on and flush the toilet multiple times. 

Don’t you have a plunger? No worries, there are ways to unclog a toilet without a plunger. 

Here is how to unclog a toilet without plunger tools:

2. How to Unclog a Toilet with a Toilet Brush

How to Unclog a Toilet with a Toilet Brush

The next method to clean an unclogged, dirty toilet is to use a toilet brush. To get a clean toilet, follow the below steps: 

  • Step 1: First, put the toilet brush in the toilet bowl at an angle and try to cover the hole as much as possible. 
  • Step 2: Now, just like the regular plunger, try to plunge the toilet brush in the same manner. 
  • Step 3: Slowly and rapidly move the brush back and forth. 

3. How to Unclog a Toilet with Dish Soap

How to Unclog a Toilet with Dish Soap

Don’t you have a plunger or toilet brush? No worries, try dish soap! Yes, this simple kitchen ingredient is helpful in unclogging toilets. 

Here is how to use dish soap correctly to clean toilets:

  • Step 1: Pour a half cup of liquid dish soap into the toilet bowl. If you don’t have dish soap, you can also use hand soap. Cut it into small pieces and drop it in the toilet. 
  • Step 2: If possible, let this soak overnight or at least for some time. 
  • Step 3: Now pour a gallon of hot water into the toilet. 
  • Step 4: Lastly, flush everything to get a clean toilet. 

4. How to Unclog a Toilet with Baking Soda

How to Unclog a Toilet with Baking Soda

Here’s how to use baking soda and vinegar to keep your septic system clean. 

  • Step 1: First, add one cup of baking soda to the toilet bowl.
  • Step 2: After a minute, add two cups of distilled white vinegar. This will create a chemical reaction that fizzes, and it will break the clog.
  • Step 3: If the clog is still not clear, add hot water to the toilet. 
  • Step 4: Lastly, flush the blockages, and you’ll get a clear toilet. 

5. How to Unclog a Toilet with Drain Cleaner

How to Unclog a Toilet with Drain Cleaner

If any one of the above methods does not work for you, it’s time to buy some drain cleaners specifically made for toilets. These chemicals can help clear a clogged toilet; here’s how:

  • Step 1: Open all the windows and doors of the toilet to keep it well-ventilated. 
  • Step 2: Pour the drain cleaner chemical in the specific amount directly into the toilet or as per the instructions mentioned on the bottle.
  • Step 3: Wait for a few minutes.
  • Step 4: Now flush the toilet. 

Maintenance Tips for a Clean Toilet

How to unclog a toilet is important to know, but it is also vital to keep your toilet maintained and get it cleaned once in a while. This will prevent the clogged toilets in the first place.

Here are some useful toilet cleaning and maintenance tips: 

  • Regularly clean your toilet with a toilet brush and cleaner. 
  • Avoid pouring chemicals into the toilet that will solidify, and it can lead to clogged pipes and drains. 
  • Whenever you have a clogged toilet, unclog it as soon as possible or call professionals to clean it. 
  • While using drain cleaners, it’s advised to read the instructions carefully and wear protective gear before using them.
  • Never mix one chemical cleaner with another, as it can cause a serious reaction.
  • Always open the windows of the toilet to keep it well-ventilated to avoid inhaling any harmful gases. 
  • After you unclog a toilet, use a disinfectant cleaner to clean it properly.

Final Thoughts

So, these are some common ways to clear a toilet. Most of the time, using a plunger 

or toilet brush can easily unclog a toilet, but if that doesn’t work, you can go with homemade solutions or products. There are also different toilet cleaners available on the market, but be careful as they may contain harmful and toxic chemicals. Now, after reading this blog, you know how to unclog a toilet fast. Use these methods or call professional help if needed to fix your clogged toilet.

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