When it comes to the air quality of your home, you want the air to be as clean as possible. Indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air, so you must do everything to help improve the quality of your home’s air. 

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If you don’t currently have an air conditioner, consider getting one for your health. Air conditioners do much more than cool down a room. Learn more in this article about how air conditioners improve indoor air quality.

How Does an AC Work?

Filters Clean the Air of Dust and Other Contaminants

Clean the Air of Dust and Other Contaminants

The human body needs clean and fresh air to breathe – both outdoor and indoor air. Air conditioning systems help ensure your indoor air is clean while saving energy costs at the same time.

The filter in your air conditioner is there to stop dust and other contaminants from circulating through the air in your home. That’s why it’s important to keep the filter clean and change it when it becomes clogged with dirt and debris. Air conditioners with dirty filters work harder, which costs you more money and shortens their lifespan.

The filter’s ability to trap particles does more than keep the air conditioning system clean. In addition, it reduces allergen levels in the air circulating through your home, keeping your family safer and more comfortable.

Filters Out Pollen, Bacteria, and Viruses

Filters Out Pollen, Bacteria, and Viruses

Are you aware that your air conditioner filters the air in your home? This is important for people with allergies and sensitivities to dust and pollen, triggering asthma attacks.

Regularly replacing your air conditioner filter will keep your home clean, which can be a lifesaver for those with respiratory conditions. Cleaning the filter also reduces the likelihood of developing an illness by trapping bacteria and viruses.

Air conditioners can capture these pathogens because they operate at lower temperatures than the human body. Replace your filter regularly, especially after flu season, to prevent colds and other illnesses from spreading throughout your family.

Cleans and Dehumidifies the Air in Your Home

Cleans and Dehumidifies the Air in Your Home

Air conditioners are used to cool the air inside a room or building. However, it also cleans and dehumidifies the air as well.

This is because air conditioners work by drawing in warm air from the room and blowing it over a coil with a liquid refrigerant. It takes the heat from this warm air and then releases it outside. The cooled air is then circulated back into the room by a fan.

Because of this process, the moisture in the warm air condenses on the cold coil, making it drip down into a pan below. Then, this pan drains through a tube connected to your floor drain. As a result, you will no longer have any moisture in your home’s air, which can make you feel very comfortable.

Reduces Mold Growth

Reduces Mold Growth

It is common to find mold, a fungus, almost anywhere. It is one of the most common allergens and causes allergic reactions in many people. Mold reproduces by dispersing spores into the air. These spores are invisible to the naked eye, but they can be inhaled and cause health problems such as allergic reactions. 

Mold grows in places where there are moist or wet, dark environments such as basements, bathrooms, kitchen cabinets, and garages. Air-conditioners also affect mold growth because they provide an environment that is not ideal for mold growth. They help you in keeping the presence of molds in your home controlled.

One way that air conditioners reduce mold growth is by lowering humidity levels. Buying an air conditioner works by removing moisture from the air through condensation. This helps lower humidity levels and makes the environment less conducive to mold growth.

Reduces Pet Dander

Pet dander is just tiny little flakes of skin that your pets shed all the time, like dandruff. It’s microscopic, so you can’t see it with the naked eye, but it still gets into the air and can cause allergies to flare up in people with sensitivities to pets. So how do air conditioners reduce pet dander?

First of all, air conditioners have filters, which are thick and dense. The filter’s size and thickness allow it to catch all kinds of small and almost unseen elements from the air as it flows through it. The thicker the filter, the more stuff it can catch. These filters catch pollen from outside and dust from inside your home, and they also see pet dander.

Minimizing the Power of Harmful Uv Rays

Minimizing the Power of Harmful Uv Rays

Can an air conditioner block harmful UV rays from entering your home? In a nutshell, yes. And it’s not just the UV rays that are blocked out, but also most of the heat that goes with them.

This is a feature of most modern air conditioning units. It’s not just a nice-to-have function; it’s an essential part of their design.

Air conditioning units work by circulating coolant through the inside and outside units. This coolant has one main function: to absorb heat from the air. While it’s doing this, it also naturally filters out any particles in the air, including harmful UV rays.

How does this work? It is quite simple to look at how an aircon works on a fundamental level. Air is drawn into the system, where it is cooled using refrigerated pipes. Once cooled, the refrigerated pipes are then turned off, and the cooled air is released into your home or office space. The process then repeats itself repeatedly until the set temperature is reached.

The Bottom Line

Air conditioners are great devices that will keep you cool during the warmer months, but they need to be regularly cleaned or replaced. It’s important not to have too many items in the vents, which could cause a buildup of dust and air pollutants.

If you notice foul odors or uncomfortable odors in your home, you should consider looking into an indoor air quality system, which is often provided by quality, certified HVAC professionals. Be sure to contact one of them if you are serious about improving indoor air quality in your home.

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