Unclogging the shower drain is the most taxing task of all bathroom issues. A clogged shower drain causes a lot of inconvenience. Most of the time, it is a Do It Yourself (DIY) task to resolve. And why people prefer DIY because it can be a cost affair if you. However, fret not; there are numerous do-it-yourself projects that you can employ to unclog the shower drain of your walk-in showers. From home remedies to quick tricks, our solution will help you solve this headache. 

Let’s start removing those pesky loose hair strands and scrub around the drain to unclog it. Scrubbing also helps in cleaning the shower tiles. When it comes to clogging, a few common culprits that can be blamed are:

  • Loose hairs;
  • Shampoo build-ups or residues;
  • Small debris breaks down by the force of water but is not enough to pass through the drain. 

If you find out that any of these reasons are responsible for the clog, it is time to pick up the plumber snake and start the task head-on! 

First of all, let the water drain out completely. Do not operate when the pipe is filled with water standing in your way and hindering the process. You can use your hands to clean the drain or you can use simple tools and cleansers to clear it efficiently. 

Secondly, try removing the drain cover or shower covers. You can twist off the screw and set it apart to let the water flow through the drain smoothly. Please use a Phillips-head screwdriver or a flat-head for easy removal. 

Now, while exercising all of these, if you encounter black gunk, call the professional for help. Some clogs may require the expertise of the plumber to remove them effectively. 

Next, it is important to learn that the soap and shampoos you use can also cause a build-up and eventually block drainage. Hair, grease, soap, and minerals from water go into the cracks, causing the pipes to block. Hopefully, the removal of visible debris will help the water run down the drain.

If none of these remedies work to unclog the drain, don’t worry. Here are a few other tips that definitely will. 

1. Add Boiling Water:

Boiling Water

How to unclog the shower drain naturally? A very simple and quick fix to help water flow through the drain is to empty a kettle of boiling water into it. Once the water goes down, it will help in dislodging the blockages. But wait, the trick won’t work if you have PVC pipes in drainage; hot water can potentially damage the pipes. 

2. Remove the Hair Debris:

Remove Hair Debris from shower drain

How to unclog a shower drain without tools? A very common problem of shower drainage blockage is your hair strands being tangled inside the drain. Unscrew the drain cover and pull out these hairs with your hands. You can also use a wire coat hanger and make a hook at the end to pull out the debris. 

Once you have removed all the debris, empty a kettle of hot water and let it pass. It will flush out the remaining blockages. Put the cover back and add the shower water to pass through it. 

3. Using Vinegar and Baking Soda:

vinegar and baking soda to remove shower drain

How to unclog a shower drain with baking soda? If the above scheme doesn’t work effectively, there is another DIY way to unclog the shower drain. Prepare a solution consisting of a mixture of ⅓ cup of baking soda and ⅓ cup of white vinegar. Pour this cleaning solution into the drain and let it sit for at least an hour. The chemical reaction will begin; to intensify it, pour some more vinegar into it. The chemical will break down and dissolve the grime and debris trapped in the P. Once the solution settles, pour hot water into the drain to unclog the remaining part of the drain.

4. Unclog Using a Plumber Snake:

Unclog shower drain Using Plumber Snake

It is challenging to see the root cause of the blockage in the P. You will have to use a plumber snake, also referred to as a manual auger, or electric auger to unclog the drainage. 

If you do not want to spend money buying specialized tools, you can also make a plunger at home by bending a piece of wire and making a hook at the end.

The best way to poke the clog is to keep pushing the wire till you meet resistance along the way. Twist and maneuver the wire to tangle the debris or any buildup in the drain. Carefully retract the wire towards the mouth of the drain, and there you are, unclogging a major lump of debris. 

If you haven’t unclogged enough debris yet, repeat the exercise by extending the wire a bit more. You can further run the hot water down the drain and remove the clog completely.

5. Use a Plunger:

Use a Plunger to clean shower drain

Another good way to remove the clogging is to use the plunger. Remove the drain cover and place the head of the plunger over the drain opening. If you are having trouble getting a good seal, apply some petroleum jelly to the rim of the plunger head. Now, with the plunger head in place, run the water down the drain. Continue moving the plunger up and down rapidly to create a vacuum and unclog the drain.

6. Try Using a Chemical Drain Opener:

Try Using a Chemical Drain Opener

The previously mentioned methods didn’t involve using any chemicals for unclogging. However, a very effective way to unclog the shower drain is to use a chemical drain opener. Be cautious enough to use such chemicals at home. Wear gloves and eye protection before opening the bottle. Keep enough ventilation for the fumes to pass through.

However, these chemicals might contain ingredients that can damage the pipes. Please read the manufacturer’s instructions before using the bottles.

If all of these do not work, please call a professional plumber for help.

Now to avoid all of this mess completely, here are some precautionary steps that you should take. 

  1. Brush your hair outside your bathroom.
  2. Keep pouring hot water into the drain at least once a week to dislodge the materials.
  3. It is best to keep a tub strainer over the main drain to catch loose hairs.
  4. Try exercising the vinegar and baking soda solution at least once a month.
  5. Follow what the manufacturers have to say regarding buildups and solvent usage. 
  6. Just in case, if you are using vinegar, do not use bleach for further cleaning. 

We hope our suggestions help you unclog the drains swiftly, allowing you to enjoy your showers without disruptions.

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