In times of climate change, renovating your home can help save a significant amount of energy in the future. This doesn’t just apply to heating systems but also to windows and window frames. After all, what good is the most environmentally friendly heating system if we lose heat through drafty windows? Here, I’ve gathered information on various window types for you.

Why Replace Windows?

Why Replace Windows?

Old windows can potentially cause up to 20% of a room’s heat to be lost. In contrast, new windows are not only more energy-efficient but also provide better protection against noise, cold, heat, and even burglars. When discussing windows and window frames, the primary types are wooden, UPCV, and aluminum windows. While there are combinations such as wood-aluminum windows, we won’t be covering those here.

uPVC Windows: Advantages

UPVC Windows Advantages

With uPVC windows both the frame and sash are made of UPVC. They are durable, low-maintenance, and rarely warp. Thermal influences have minimal impact on their technical properties. They are highly weather-resistant and can withstand sunlight, strong winds, and even saltwater. UPVC windows are affordable and require little to no maintenance.

uPVC Windows: Disadvantages

UPVC Windows Disadvantages

A drawback of UPVC windows is that they are combustible and cannot withstand fire. Also, UPVC frames generally cannot be easily painted, limiting the ability to use colored window frames to influence a room’s appearance.

Wooden Windows: Advantages

Wooden Windows Advantages

Wooden windows create a cozy atmosphere and are long-lasting. They offer excellent thermal insulation, are stable, provide good noise protection, and are secure.

Wooden Windows: Disadvantages

Wooden Windows Disadvantages

Wooden windows require maintenance to prevent warping and cracking. The material is not weather-resistant and provides no protection in case of fire since it is combustible. Additionally, wooden windows can be up to 40% more expensive than UPVC windows.

Aluminum Windows: Advantages

Aluminum Windows Advantages

Aluminum windows are very long-lasting, low-maintenance, weather-resistant, and provide excellent noise protection. They are also stable and offer increased security against break-ins and fire.

Aluminum Windows: Disadvantages

Aluminum Windows Disadvantages

Aluminum windows are significantly more expensive than UPVC windows, up to 50% more. Moreover, their thermal insulation is not as good as wooden windows.

Window Panes

Window Panes

The positive attributes of window frames are greatly influenced by the window panes used. However, it is unlikely to find single-pane windows in regular stores, as they are no longer allowed in new constructions. Safety glass is a unique feature that provides additional break-in protection.

Security glass is particularly relevant given the statistics that show a break-in occur every 3 minutes in Germany. 75% of burglars enter through windows or balcony and patio doors, primarily because these windows and doors are often inadequately secured.

Soundproof glazing is also a unique feature. It significantly reduces outside noise, which is particularly useful in areas with heavy traffic, near airports, or close to train tracks.

Tips and tricks When planning to install new windows during a home or condominium renovation, you can save money by applying for financial aid in the form of loans or grants from the KfW-Bank or the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control. Burglar protection and noise protection, along with thermal insulation, are among the most important factors to consider when buying new windows.

Once the right windows are installed, the next step is decorating – for example, curtains, which should never be missing from any window. Did you like our article on the different window types?


In the face of climate change, renovating home windows can contribute significantly to energy savings. Old windows can lead to a loss of 20% of the room’s heat, while new ones offer better energy efficiency and protection against noise, weather, and burglars. The article examines three types of window frames: UPCV, wooden, and aluminum. UPCV windows are durable, low-maintenance, and affordable but are combustible and cannot be easily painted.

Wooden windows provide excellent thermal insulation and create a cozy atmosphere, but require maintenance and are not weather-resistant. Aluminum windows are long-lasting, low-maintenance, and offer good security but are less thermally efficient and more expensive. The choice of window panes also plays a crucial role, with safety glass providing additional security and soundproof glazing reducing noise.

When installing new windows, homeowners can explore financial aid options such as loans or grants. Additionally, choosing the right windows should consider burglar protection, noise protection, and thermal insulation as critical factors.

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