If you are looking for a way to improve your home’s interior design, invest in houseplants. These indoor plants are available in different sizes, types, and varieties to suit your style. One of the most sought-after houseplants is the – pink princess philodendron.

This gorgeous plant has beautiful dark green leaves with pink variegation. The combination of these two colors makes the pink Princess truly unique. However, remember that not all the leaves of the plant will turn pink. This is why you need to know how to care for the plant to maintain its vibrant color.

If you already have a pink philodendron or are planning to get one, our guide will help you. In this article, we’ll show you how to grow and care for this amazing houseplant.

About Pink Princess Philodendron

About Pink Princess Philodendron

The pink princess philodendron is a type of houseplant known for its striking pink variegation. This plant grows as a perennial in South America. 

It can grow tall up to 3 to 4 feet with leaves spanning 1 to 2 feet wide. Pink Princess prefers partial sunlight and thrives in loamy and well-draining soil with a slightly acidic pH. 

You can see the plant bloom during spring and summer with subtle green and white-hued blooms. To keep it healthy, you just need to maintain regular moisture without overwatering. It is a low-maintenance plan that can serve as an eye-catching centerpiece in your home.

Common NamePhilodendron and pink princess 
Botanical NamePhilodendron erubescens 
TypeHerbaceous perennial
Native AreaSouth America
Height3 to 4 feet
Spread1 to 2 feet
Bloom TimeRarely flowers indoors
Bloom DescriptionPurple-red spathe and white spadix
Soil TypeLoamy, moist but well-draining
Soil pHAcidic
SunPart shade

Types of Pink Princess Philodendron

Pink princess philodendron comes in many different variants. These are the four primary types:

1. Sparkle Pink Princess

The sparkle pink princess often displays an equal blend of green and pink striped leaves.

2. Black Cherry Pink Princess

A recent addition to the Araceae family, the black cherry has deep red leaves shaped like hearts. The leaves are coated with a glossy finish.

3. Marble Variegation Pink Princess

This variant has pink and white mottled foliage and stands out due to its rare marbling pattern.

4. White Knight Pink Philodendron

It is a hybrid of pink Princess and white knight varieties. This plant inherits the former’s leaf patterns and coloration.

Pink Princess Philodendron Care

The philodendron pink princess is recognized for its rapid growth when nurtured indoors. While this plant is simple to maintain, to unlock its full beauty, you need to follow specific care guidelines:

1. Light

The key influencer shaping your Pink Princess Philodendron’s variegation is ample light exposure. Choose a location with several hours of bright and indirect light. 

Indoors, this plant can withstand a couple of hours of direct sunlight, potentially improving its variegation. In spaces lacking adequate natural light, investing in a grow light proves beneficial. 

Insufficient light may cause the pink Princess’s leaves to revert to green swiftly. This leads to the loss of its striking variegated appearance.

2. Soil

To cultivate a thriving Philodendron pink princess, choose nutrient-rich, lightly porous soil. Go for bagged potting soils (avoiding garden topsoil) suitable for indoor plants. Make sure that the soil lacks moisture-retaining crystals, as it can lead to root rot.

3. Water

Let the upper half of the soil dry out between watering sessions. It is best to water the plant once weekly during spring and summer and every 1 to 2 weeks throughout fall and winter. 

You also need to prevent waterlogging, as pink princess philodendrons are prone to root rot. It’s easier to overwater than to under-water them. So, if uncertain, hold off for another day before watering.

4. Temperature 

Indoor environments typically offer suitable temperatures for these plants, ranging from 65-80°F. Avoid exposing them to temperatures below 55°F as it hampers their growth. Extended periods of cold can prove fatal for these tropical indoor plants.

5. Humidity

Like many tropical indoor plants, the philodendron pink princess thrives with increased humidity but can still flourish in standard household conditions. 

Humidity consistently benefits tropical houseplants. Maintaining air moisture above 50% proves ideal for most houseplants, including the pink princess philodendron.

6. Fertilizer

Regular fertilization greatly improves the growth of this indoor plant. Administer a diluted solution of complete liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the growth period. 

Avoid fertilizing in winter unless your indoor plants display year-round growth. In such cases, use a ¼-strength diluted liquid fertilizer or enrich the soil. 

Repotting Pink Princess Philodendron

The philodendron should be repotted when it outgrows its current container, typically every 1 to 2 years. Signs include roots emerging from drainage holes or encircling the pot’s interior.

While repotting is feasible year-round, it is best to do it during spring and summer when the plant is actively growing. Make sure the plant is due for watering before repotting, as thorough watering will help secure it in the new pot. 

Follow these steps when repotting the pink Princess: 

1. Select the right pot

Select a pot that is 2 to 4 inches bigger than the prior container and has enough drainage holes (terracotta or plastic nursery pots are good possibilities).

2. Get the new soil ready

Prior to repotting, make sure you have enough well-draining potting soil prepared.

3. Remove the plant with caution

Remove the pink princess philodendron from its previous planter with care.

4. Take the root ball off

Loosen the dirt and remove as much of the old soil as you can to free the roots.

5. Placement in the fresh pot

With one hand, steadily place your plant in the new pot and use the other to fill it with fresh dirt.

6. Thoroughly water the plant

Water the newly repotted plant generously, allowing excess water to drain through the pot’s holes.

7. Return to its space

Place the plant back in its original spot and resume a consistent watering routine.

Propagating Pink Princess Philodendron

Like most philodendrons, propagating the pink Princess is straightforward through stem cuttings. This not only allows you to share a new plant but also promotes bushier growth and potentially boosts variegation 

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to propagate the pink Princess:

1. Selecting the cutting

Choose a stem with 2 to 3 leaves and at least 2 to 3 exposed nodes at its base.

2. Cutting the stem

Use sterilized pruning shears or scissors to make a clean cut below a node, separating your cutting.

3. Trimming the leaves

Remove the lower leaves, leaving only 2 to 3 leaves at the top of the cutting.

4. Allow callousing

Let the cut end of the stem dry and callous for 12 to 24 hours.

5. Placing in water

Submerge the exposed nodes of the cutting in water, positioning it in a spot with bright, indirect light.

6. Observing root growth

Within 2-3 weeks, you’ll likely notice new roots emerging from the cutting while it remains in the water.

7. Transferring to soil

Once the roots reach at least 1 inch in length, transfer the cutting to a well-draining potting mix. Water it thoroughly after planting.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

The biggest threat to your houseplant is pests and diseases. Here are some common ones that affect the pink process:

Common Pests:

1. Mealybugs

These small insects gather in clusters and are usually found along stems or leaf joints. They suck the sap from the plant.

2. Aphids

Aphids are tiny insects that feed on plant juices. You’ll often find them clustering on new growth and undersides of leaves. They can cause distortion or discoloration.

3. Spider Mites

These pests create fine webbing and feed on the plant’s sap, causing stippling or yellowing of leaves.

4. Scale Insects

Scale appears as small, raised bumps on stems or leaves and can cause yellowing or wilting.

5. Fungus Gnats

These small, flying insects lay eggs in the soil. Their larvae feed on roots, leading to weakening and stunted growth.

Common Diseases 

1. Root Rot

Overwatering causes roots to rot, leading to yellowing, wilting, or blackening of leaves.

2. Rust Spot (Fungal Infection) 

This disease appears as rust-colored spots on leaves. It is a fungal infection that can weaken the plant and cause leaf damage or dropping.

Regularly inspecting your plant and maintaining proper watering practices can help prevent and manage these issues in pink princess philodendrons.

Common Problems with Pink Princess Philodendron

When given appropriate care, pink philodendron plants typically grow without any issues. However, sometimes you may encounter problems like,

1. Leaves losing variegation

Diminished pink tones and variegation often indicate insufficient light exposure. Go for bright, indirect light to maintain strong variegation. Early detection and correction matter as they can help the plant grow normally. 

2. Leggy growth

Sparse, elongated growth suggests inadequate light, prompting leaves to stretch for more light. Relocate the plant to a brighter spot to encourage compact and healthier growth.

3. Browning Leaves

Leaf edges turn brown as a result of low humidity, leading to leaf dehydration. While the damage is irreversible, elevating humidity levels can prevent further browning.

4. Brown Variegation

Harsh lighting or low humidity can cause delicate pink variegation to develop unsightly brown spots. These spots resemble burns and may emerge due to intense light exposure or inadequate moisture levels.

Philodendron Pink Princess Care Tips

If you want your pink Princess to grow in the best way possible, follow these care tips:

  • For consistent pink variegation, propagate cuttings from the pink leaves. 
  • Encourage fast leaf growth by staking your plant to climb upward. 
  • Boost vibrant leaf colors by offering philodendrons with colorful foliage more light. 
  • Promote new growth by removing older or damaged leaves to redirect energy. 
  • Support the plant’s pink hues by pruning non-variegated leaves. Top of Form

Buying a Pink Princess Philodendron

Are you planning to buy a pink princess plant? Here’s your essential guide to purchasing this plant.

1. Cost of pink Princess

A fully grown and mature pink princess philodendron for sale can cost up to $2,000. Even single-leaf cuttings might sell for hundreds of dollars on online platforms. 

However, nowadays, the plant has become a bit more affordable. While highly variegated mature pink princess philodendron might fetch a few hundred dollars, smaller plants are available for under $100. Cuttings, on the other hand, can be found for as low as $5 to $10 each.

2. Reasons why Pink Princess is so expensive

The soaring prices of pink princess philodendrons stem from their skyrocketing popularity owing to their striking foliage. Their scarcity arises as they’re not readily cultivated from seed, given their variegation’s reliance on mutations. 

Despite their ease of care, these factors contribute to their initially exorbitant prices. However, recent mass production efforts have led to a decline in the cost of pink princess philodendrons.

3. Factors to consider when buying the plant

When purchasing a pink princess philodendron, make sure you check its foliage and stems for optimal health and vibrant variegation. Look for consistent variegation across the leaves and inspect the petioles for the same patterns. 

To avoid potential fungal rust spot diseases, check the leaves for any presence of small brown spots. It will ensure that the plant you select is free from infections.

4. Where to buy the plant

Etsy and Facebook were some of the best places to buy these plants in the past. However, today, they are available at numerous houseplant shops, nurseries, and various retail outlets. 

Major stores like Home Depot often stock them, availability varying by location. Additionally, you can still find them on online platforms at affordable rates. 

Is pink Princess philodendron a fast grower?

This plant grows at a normal rate, but you can increase its growth by nurturing it properly indoors. 

What is the best fertilizer for pink Princess?

Premium liquid foliage houseplant fertilizer is best for the pink Princess.

Is pink Princess easy to grow?

Pink process is a low-maintenance plant that is very easy to grow if you follow the right care rules.

Can I put my pink Princess philodendron outside?

The pink princess plant can grow indoors as well as outdoors within the coastal and tropical south regions.


Pink princess philodendron is one of the best indoor plants to decorate your home. While the plant is low maintenance, you still need to follow proper care instructions. This way, your plant will have more pink leaves than green. If you are planning to buy the plant, you can find them at online stores as well as at retail shops and nurseries. Remember to check the plant’s quality to avoid any problems in the future. 

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