When you live in a small space, every square inch counts. There’s not much room for extras—and especially not clutter. But no matter how big or small your home is, it can always use more storage space.

If you’re looking for ways to get more organized and reduce the amount of clutter in your home, try these five space-saving storage systems for small space.

Baskets Under the Bed

Baskets Under the Bed

You can also use baskets under your bed to store things like shoes and clothing. You can use various-sized baskets, depending on how much space you want to save and how many items you want to keep.

Baskets are lightweight and easy to move around, so they’re great for organizing bedroom wardrobe items.

You can find cheap plastic baskets at most department stores that will serve this purpose just fine. However, if you have a larger budget for organization supplies, investing in some aesthetically pleasing baskets will make the area appear better and help it run more smoothly.

Some people prefer the look of decorative wicker baskets because they add an element of style while still being functional enough for everyday use (and they don’t take up much room).

If storage is an issue in other areas of your home—like you are having small bathrooms—baskets can be used in those places too!

Open Shelves

Open Shelves Storage Systems for Small Space

Open shelves are a great way to make your apartment feel like a big room without taking up too much space. Wood can be used to make open shelves, and if you want to make one yourself, you can nail some pieces of wood together.

You could put a round living room mirror on top of your open shelves to make your apartment feel bigger than it is. It will make the room seem bigger and give the impression that you have more space for your things.

Under-The-Sink Shelves

Under-The-Sink Shelves Storage Systems for Small Space

Under-the-sink shelves are great to look at to get your cleaning supplies out of sight but still accessible. They’re also perfect for storing other things you don’t want on display—from food and toiletries to office supplies.

These shelves are usually easy to install, but you can have them installed by a handyman if you prefer. If you decide to install them yourself, it’s best to measure twice and cut once, so the shelf fits perfectly between your cabinet doors or drawers (and doesn’t stick out beyond the edge of your cabinets).

Add a Sliding Door to Your Pantry

Add a Sliding Door to Your Pantry

If you have a small pantry, a sliding door can help to hide your clutter. The best part is that installing them is easy. You need to measure the space where you want to install it, cut out the panels from your desired material, and attach them with hinges. 

Ladder Shelves

Ladder Shelves Storage Systems for Small Space

Consider using ladders if you have a tall space and don’t want to install shelving. Ladders are useful for a variety of household duties.

You can use ladders to store food in the kitchen and bathroom, cleaning products, and other small items. If you have extra large space, you can use them for clothing storage or bookshelves.

If you have extra space and are intending to style it with your ladder shelves, you can make the space look like it has more room by complementing it with a metal framed full-length mirror. 

These Helpful Tips Can Help You Get More Organized.

  • There are many benefits to being well-organized. First, you don’t have to waste time looking for something. Second, if you don’t buy extras of things you already have, you can save money. Third, if your house is always neat and tidy, you’ll feel more comfortable having people around.
  • It’s important to distinguish between being organized and being a perfectionist: the former means making the most efficient use of space; the latter refers more specifically to having everything placed in precisely arranged rows or lines with no overlap or wasted space anywhere.


So, if you’re feeling a little disorganized or lacking in space, it might be time to put some of these tips and tricks into action. Getting organized can do wonders for our sense of calm, and hopefully, make your home feel a little less chaotic.

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