Area rugs are a great way to refresh your home interior without doing any major renovations. Putting a small rug underneath your sofa and coffee table can add great comfort and before you know it, the living room will be your new favorite place to hang out. Area rugs can also show your personality to others, and your style preference thanks to the wide variety of choices available these days.

There are a few major things that happen once you add area rugs to your home. Did you know that the placement of the rug can make the room seem bigger or smaller, wider or longer? Apart from using them to change the feel and atmosphere of a room, you can also enjoy a great oriental pattern or retro design. For example, placing Anatolian rugs in a minimalist, rather modern interior, is popular in contemporary interior design. The combination brings warmth and unique style to a home while it makes for an enjoyable atmosphere. In saying that, even a small rug can make a big difference in your home style and bring a fresh new feel to your living space. So take a moment to read our advice and ideas on decorating a home with area rugs!

Change the Way Your Room Looks with an Area Rug

Area Rug

Bigger or Smaller- What Do You Prefer? 

Hall Area Rug

Most of us like to have spacious rooms, where you can store things without the room looking a complete mess. But, that’s not always possible, and somehow we end up feeling cluttered no matter how much we get that minimalist approach. Have you ever considered the possibility that it’s not about the furniture or the ornaments?

The placement of your area rug or carpet can make the room look bigger or smaller. It is an optical illusion, and many interior design experts use this to their advantage, by making small rooms appear bigger. Make sure that the area rug is big enough to go under the main furniture pieces, such as the sofa and the coffee table. If that’s not possible, it only needs to cover the front legs of the sofa or chairs. You’ll get the feeling that your room is bigger, and that feeling of incompleteness will fade away. 

Spice Things Up 

home Area Rug

By choosing the right area rug, you can add style and personality to your home. For example, if you’re more of a vintage person, there are tons of vintage or retro area rugs that will change the vibe of the room, and their bold colors and patterns will add some spice to it. There’s nothing wrong with going bold with the colors, but if you get carried away, you can overdo it, and the room will be too much for you to handle. 

To avoid the unpleasant looks and atmosphere of a room, either consult with an interior design specialist or simply use the internet. There are lots of online ideas on how to decorate your house, and you can never go wrong with the minimalist approach- neutral tones, fewer ornaments, and using the area rug as a dominant piece at the center.

Connect Rooms Via Area Rugs

house Area Rug
bedroom Area Rug

This is one of the benefits when you have area rugs, especially if your home has an open concept when it comes to room placement. If your living room is connected to the dining area or the kitchen, it can be hard to design them and place furniture without feeling a bit off. To tone down that diversity feeling, you can always connect the two separate rooms with area rugs. 

If you’re feeling adventurous, you don’t have to buy exactly the same rugs. You can always spice it up, by buying rugs that complement each other. For example, buy two rugs, the same color, but different shades of it. Dark blue with a lighter blue, etc. you can also buy different colored rugs, as long as the patterns on them are the same. You can even invert the patterns. And don’t worry about their size, because area rugs can always be cropped to fit your room perfectly. 

Pattern, Color, Size Matter

Area Rug in home
bigger Area Rug

We’ve already mentioned that the size of the area rug can change how big the room actually feels. But, pattern and color can also change the final outlook of the room, and if you overdo it, it can make the room look appealing, dark, and crowded. Avoid really strong colors on bigger area rugs, because they’ll draw all the attention from other details. If the rug is smaller, bold colors are advised, because they’ll add a nice touch to it. 

Also, the pattern plays a huge role in the final outcome. Avoid splash patterns, especially in darker shades such as brown, black, dark yellow… it will give out a dirty appearance, and the rug will look old and unclean. You want guests to be amazed at how good you take care of the carpets, and a huge yellowish blob at the center won’t do you any good. 


Area rugs change the way your entire home looks and feel to outsiders. It can either make them love the place or get the complete opposite effect. With a few simple tricks, you can make your rooms look bigger, brighter, more appealing. The combination of color, pattern, material, and size will make any room look comfy and magnificent.

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