Architecture is something that doesn’t have any limitations in the sense of creativity. Whether it’s an old vintage style or has a modern touch to it. Many people think modern architecture buildings are built in recent times. But we would like to enlighten them with the thing that ‘It’s just a Myth.’
Modernism became the dominant style of construction at the end of World War 2 in 1945. From 1945 to now, it has made a remarkable improvement in the field of modern architecture. Now, first things first, what is modern architecture? Modern Architecture focuses on building a form that embraces functionalism with minimalism. And it is totally based upon the new and ultra-modern technologies for the construction using steel, metal, and reinforced concrete. In the 1980s, it was accepted as the principal style of construction for commercial and institutional buildings by architects.
When we talk about the view-point of viewers, 60 out of 100 people who travel around the world are mesmerized by the buildings they see on their route to the destination and do research about them. And now let’s divert our attention towards the perspective of artists and designers, these buildings are the source of inspiration for them due to their shapes, concepts, and decorative details.
Below we have mentioned some of the best modern architecture buildings that will make you go “Woah! Now that’s what I say Modernism.”
1. Fallingwater

- Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright
- Location: Mill Run, Pennsylvania
- Year: 1939
- Architecture Style: Modern architecture
Fallingwater is a house built on the waterfall on Bear run of Mill Run in Pennsylvania. The distinctive feature of the structure is it’s clean horizontal and vertical lines. The house was built using reinforced concrete and steel. As there was a demand for four bedrooms, Wright used the cantilevered structure to fulfill it. For cantilevered floors, the upside-down T-shaped beams were used to create a monolithic concrete slab. The interior of the house reflects an architect’s love for Japanese architecture.
2. Sydney Opera House
- Architect: Jørn Utzon
- Location: Bennelong Point, Sydney
- Year: 1973
- Architecture style: Expressionist
The construction of the Sydney Opera House was completed in three stages. Stage I included the formation of the upper podium, Stage II consisted of the development of the top shell & roof, and Stage III was focused totally on interiors. It was built in a total area of 4.4 acres with the structural system consisting of the concrete frame & precast concrete ribbed roof. Glazed ceramic tiles were used for the shell of the Opera House. It has a seating capacity of 5,738 people. The height of the structure is 213 ft; its width and length are 394 ft and 600 ft, respectively.
3. Villa Savoye
- Architect: Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret
- Location: France
- Year: 1931
- Architecture style: Modernist, International
The Villa by Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret is built using reinforced concrete. The design of this villa was done keeping in mind the five points. The points are the use of ground-level pilotis for the elevated structure, functional roof serving as garden and terrace, horizontal windows for illumination and ventilation, free floor plan, and freely-designed facades that merely act as a skin for the walls and windows. The structure of the villa was designed keeping the car in mind. It was the second house of the Savoye family.
4. Seagram Building
- Architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe; Philip Johnson
- Location: New York, U.S
- Year: 1958
- Architecture style: International Style
Seagram is a 38-storey building made up of steel and reinforced concrete. It is the first building to use high strength bolted connections. Other than this, the building has many features that were used the first time in the tall building construction, such as the combination of braced frame and moment frame, usage of vertical truss bracing system, and employing the steel and concrete for the lateral frame.
5. El Pabellon de Barcelona
- Architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich
- Location: Barcelona, Spain
- Year: 1929
- Architecture style: Modernism, Minimalism
The Barcelona Pavilion is an exhibition building that was constructed in 1929 for the International Exhibition of Barcelona. It was dismantled after the program in 1930, but in 1980 it was reconstructed as it became the key reference for the modern structure of the twentieth century. The entire pavilion was built using glass, steel, and four different types of stones. The beauty of this structure depends on the modernity of the geometrical structure implied. It is the origin of the famous Barcelona chair made up of metal profile and leather. It has a bronze sculpture placed at the corner of a small pond. The place is made in such a way that it not only reflects in the pond but also in the marbles, giving it different dimensions.
6. One World Trade Center
- Architect: David Childs
- Location: New York, U.S
- Year: 2014
- Architecture Style: Contemporary Modern
The WTC was famous for the twin towers, one and two world trade centers, located in north and south, respectively. This is one of the modern architecture buildings. The old building was designed by David Childs and was standing on the 1 acre of land each and had 110 storeys. After the attack of September 11, the reconstruction of the World Trade Center was an immediate decision. Daniel Libeskind did the reconstruction design of One World Trade Center. New WTC was made using a more modest facade of stainless steel panels and blast-resistant glass. The storeys were reduced to 82, as the air-levels were considered to be the liability of future terrorist attacks or any other incident. After the finalization of design, designers stated that the tower would be “monolithic glass structure reflecting the sky and topped by a sculpted antenna.”
7. The Shard
- Architect: Renzo Piano
- Location: London
- Year: 2012
- Architecture style: Neo-futurism
The Shard, a supertall skyscraper of the 95-storey building, is standing high at 1016 ft. This glass-clad pyramidical structure has 72 habitable floors with an observation deck on the 72nd floor. The design of the Shard was made keeping in mind the energy efficiency. It is fitted with a CHP (combined heat and power) plant, which operates on natural gas from National Grid. The shape of the building is inspired by the railway lines next to the site. The spire-like form of the building is a positive addition to the structure as it reflects the church steeples featured in historic engravings of the city. The expressive facade of angled glazed glass panes makes the appearance of the building look different in every season.
Modernism at its Peak:-
These were the buildings that have shown the pro-part of modern architecture buildings in the world. And have set the bars high for the architects to create a building with advanced concepts. You saw some structures had been made before the ’80s that too with such precision and details, now as we are in the extra-modern era, demands are more than that, right? Take inspiration from these contemporary buildings and plan out your commercial or institutional premises. If not anything, visit those, and take in the eye-soothing views and calm your artist soul.
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