You’ve bought a property and you’re moving into your new (and hopefully dream) home. And while moving into a new home is an exciting chapter in life, it also brings a whole host of tasks. In order to ensure a smooth transition into your new home and guarantee a comfortable living environment, you should put together a to-do list of tasks and things to remember.

Things not to forget include changing locks for security and setting up essential utilities. So to help you in this we’ve put together a checklist that will guide you through the process of settling into your new abode with ease. By following this list, you should be able to easily transform your new house into a welcoming and functional home.

Check Security

This isn’t meant to scare you, but you should definitely make security a priority in your new home. Hopefully, you would’ve gotten an idea of the safety of the neighborhood during the buying process, but either way, it doesn’t hurt to be protected.

Your first step should be to check all windows, doors, and the locks on them for any specific problems to be aware of until you can get a locksmith in. Then search “locksmith near me” on your phone or computer and hire a professional to change all the locks. They can also update locks or identify and repair any issues.

Changing your locks is usually recommended when moving into a new home, it’s the only way to make sure you have complete control of who has potential access to your property. Updating the locks will also help to keep you safeguarded.

As well as changing and updating the locks, you should consider installing a security system. Things like motion-detecting lights, smart doorbell cameras, and CCTV systems can make all the difference in reducing the risk of burglary.

Home Maintenance and Repairs

Home maintenance and repairs

Before you start to properly unpack all of your belongings, you should inspect your new home for any maintenance or repair needs. Issues may not be as noticeable once you unpack everything so take the opportunity whilst everything is relatively clear. You can then make a list of things to take care of once properly moved in and settled.

It’s much better to take a proactive approach to identifying and fixing repair issues, rather than have them seemingly appear out of nowhere ten times worse. Check for leaks, and damage, and address areas that need a new lick of paint. You also may need to update things like the electrical system to handle new installations and devices properly.

Contact relevant traders to solve problems before you properly settle and get too comfortable to focus on repairs.


Declutter your home

You may have already done this before your move, but if not, there’s still time after. As you unpack your belongings, take the opportunity to have one last declutter. Ask yourself “Do I truly need this?” and if the answer is no, throw it out, donate it, or sell it.

Utilities and Services Setup

home utilities and services

It’s boring and sometimes confusing, but make sure to contact utility providers to ensure essential services such as electricity, water, gas, and internet are up and running before moving in. Schedule appointments for installations, transfers, or activations to avoid any disruption. This can help avoid any unexpected crossover bills, and ensure you won’t be stuck without Wi-Fi for an extended period of time!

In addition to this admin, remember to update your address anywhere it’s needed, such as your bank and GP. Inform family and friends of your new address and consider forwarding a post from your previous residence.

Deep Cleaning

deep cleaning of your home

Before placing your furniture and belongings, it’s a great opportunity to give your new home a thorough cleaning. This will help you start fresh and create a comfortable living environment. Focus on areas like bathrooms, kitchen appliances, and floors. This can also help identify any maintenance issues as mentioned above.

Experiment with Your Layout

layout of your home

After your essentials are unpacked and your home is clean, you can start arranging your furniture and personal items. You may already have ideas that might end up changing once you get moved in.

Try to experiment with different layouts to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing space. 

Final Thoughts

Moving into a new home involves a combination of practical tasks and personal touches to make the space truly yours. By following this checklist, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle each step and transition smoothly into your new living environment. 

In Case You Missed It!