As an architect, have you ever tried explaining a building design to someone only to realize they were having a hard time visualizing what you were describing? It can be difficult for people to picture design details solely from a verbal explanation – they often need to “see” it. This is where 3D rendering comes in so handy for you as an architect.
3D rendering allows you to create realistic, visual representations of your designs in a digital 3D environment. By generating high-quality 3D models and images, you can clearly demonstrate your exterior building designs to clients, planning officials, and other stakeholders. This article will provide you with everything you need to know about 3D rendering and its impact on exterior architecture design.

What Is 3D Rendering?

What Is 3D Rendering?

3D rendering allows architects and designers to create detailed 3D or digital versions of their building designs. 3D rendering brings a three-dimensional object to life in a virtual space and this finished 3D object is known as the 3D model.

Rendering makes it possible for designers and creatives to share their concepts (especially complex ones) with an audience in a more understandable way. You should know that although this definition makes 3D rendering seem pretty simplistic, it’s actually a pretty complex procedure. Because of this, many companies, including architectural firms, prefer to engage the services of a 3D Render Agency.

Reasons Why 3D Rendering is Essential For Exterior Architecture Design

1. On-Demand Prototype

Have you ever heard the term “seeing is believing?” This particular saying is even more true as far as architecture is concerned. More often than not, skepticism about a planned project on the customer side arises from a lack of imagination. They have to imagine it because they can’t actually see it.

With a 3D rendering model on your side, however, you can display what the exterior architecture design looks like before construction begins. This will, in turn, increase the chance that prospects will be willing to adopt your exterior design.

So before you pitch that lake house plan or any other plans to your client, you might want to reach out to a 3D render agency for a 3D prototype you can display.

2. Easy Corrections and Refinement

Easy Corrections and Refinement

Sometimes, clients may see your exterior design and become unsatisfied with something about it. In these instances, they may find it challenging to communicate the source of their dissatisfaction to you accurately. However, since you’re currently experiencing communication issues, the entire working experience may be unpleasant.

With a 3D rendering prototype, your client can examine the exterior architectural design from different angles, pointing out areas of corrections they want. This will, in turn, put communication issues out of the way entirely, making it easy to make necessary corrections and adjustments.

3. Better Projections

Embarking on a construction project without 3D rendering is a very dangerous decision. These days, there are all sorts of news of homes collapsing due to extreme stress from different environmental conditions. However, the fact is that 3D rendering makes it possible to avoid these sorts of situations.

With 3D rendering, you can simulate different environmental conditions, including rain, wind, and sunlight. This will allow you to evaluate the structural integrity of your exterior architecture design, so you know what to expect and what adjustments to make in your calculations.

4. Improved Teamwork

Improved Teamwork

Every exterior architecture design is a product of teamwork. Sometimes, architecture design teams may face some friction due to problems understanding the pitched design concept. 3D rendering models make it possible for every team member to be able to actually visualize the project in question. This, in turn, facilitates better concept feedback and suggestions, allowing the team to work together much more smoothly.

5. Materials Demo-Testing

Traditional exterior architecture design approaches are often limited in predicting the match and suitability of building materials and accessories for use in the exterior. Usually, this results in unexpected results that lead to customer dissatisfaction.

A 3D render image allows you to accurately simulate different materials, textures, and lighting conditions before construction occurs. This way, you can collaborate with your team and client to arrive at a final “product” that everybody is pleased with.

6. Space Visualization

Space Visualization

No matter how experienced you are, at some point, you will face problems translating your designs from paper onto the actual property you’re supposed to build them on. This is a common problem in exterior architecture, with many projects ending up overshooting or underutilizing the available space. 

3D rendering allows architects and clients to visualize the final appearance of a building or space before construction begins. This way, you can adequately ensure that the space available is well-utilized.

7. Cost-Efficiency Benefits

Like every worthwhile endeavor, setting up 3D rendering for your plans and exterior architecture designs may initially appear costly. However, in the long run, you’ll realize that you’ve been able to save more.

3D-rendering your plans makes it easy for you to spot mistakes and errors in your calculations and designs before you implement them. This, of course, means that you’ll cut down on costs you’ll have incurred in fixing these mistakes.

8. Improved Acceptance 

Improved Acceptance 

There are times when your firm will take on public exterior architecture design projects. In these instances, you’ll be tasked with finding a way to communicate with the general public that what you’re about to do will improve the community. 3D rendering can be just the powerful community engagement tool you need to foster understanding and support.

9. Ultra-realistic Emotional Connection

Buildings that look good appeal to the emotions of people who look at them. It has been like this since the start of architecture, and nothing has changed. Advanced 3D renderings of prospective buildings’ exteriors could be invaluable in engaging viewers and stirring their emotions. 

A perfectly rendered architectural exterior design is much more than a visual representation… it’s a promise of something unique. You can even further improve this emotional experience by integrating virtual and augmented reality technologies like the DAQRI Smart Helmet.

10. Competitive Edge

Competitive Edge

The final reason why you should give 3D rendering a chance in your architectural firm is because it gives you a competitive advantage. Approaching stakeholder meetings or interviews with a 3D model of your plans shows that you commit to quality and precision. 

It also shows prospects that you will deploy the best possible means to visualize their dreams. This could come in particularly handy when you have a huge business contract that you absolutely have to close.


Architecture is a constantly evolving field, and the introduction of modern technologies has only accelerated this process. 3D rendering models are the current frontier for architectural firms, and they offer many awesome benefits that make employing them worthwhile.

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